
CPC guarantees efficient and environmentally safe movement of crude oil

The Project is designed to increase the trunk pipeline capacity

Purchase 0209-АО

Maintenance of the fire alarm systems of the CPC-R CR office Astrakhan

Closing date: 24 November 2023
Published: 03 November 2023
Updated: 02 November 2023

Key Bidder Selection Criteria

Completeness and quality of filling in the submitted documents; Full compliance of the bidder's proposal with the requirements of the Request for Tender and Technical Assignment. Agreement to accept the standard form of the CPC contract for signing. Agreement to follow the principles of the CPC Code of Business Conduct

All legal entities and individual entrepreneurs meeting requirements set forth in a notice on conduct of a purchase (hereinafter, the “Notice”) are invited to participate in a purchase.

This Purchase is not bidding (tender, auction) pursuant to Articles 447–449 or public tender pursuant to Articles 1057–1061, Part 2 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and shall not impose on the Company the obligations set forth by the above Articles of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

This Purchase is not contest (tender, auction) pursuant to Articles 910-916 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and shall not impose on the Company the obligations set forth by the above Articles of the Civil Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The Company shall have the right to cancel the Purchase at any time without explanations, as well as terminate the Purchase without execution of the Agreement upon its results at any time and bear no liability towards Participants or third parties, which may incur losses through such action (including non-reimbursement to the Participants of the expenses borne by the latter due to participation in the Purchase).