The closing events of the environmental educational project “Let’s protect the nature of our homeland!” took place on May 24, 2017 in the scientific and experiment base BIOS of the fishery research institute CaspNIRKh in Iryanoye village of Astrakhan Oblast. It was the second annual project aimed at protection and growth of sturgeon population sponsored by Caspian Pipeline Consortium.
The ceremony was attended by Mikhail Grishankov, Deputy General Director of CPC-R, management of CaspNIRKh as well as scientists and specialists of the institute.
The main participants of the ceremony were school children of Astrakhan – winners of the creativity competition who were entrusted to hand carry baby sturgeons to the special boat for further transportation and release of the young fish to the natural habitat.
Shortly before this event, special classes were conducted in the schools of Astrakhan Oblast in the area of CPC presence dedicated to the main topic of the environmental project – protection of sturgeons followed by a creativity competition for the best promotional materials to protect the declining species.
Winners were selected in the four categories: Picture, Arts and Crafts, Multimedia Product and Photographic Picture. The authors of the best creations took part in release of young fish. After that there was a concert when the winners of the competition were awarded with diplomas and prizes from the Consortium.
- In the year of ecology, the already traditional project of Caspian Pipeline Consortium has become a very special event – Mikhail Grishankov emphasized. – It feels good to realize that are a part of a very important effort to protect the world around us. I think that the children who were entrusted to release the young sturgeons will always remember this day. They contacted this amazing world and they could feel themselves how fragile this world is and this means this worls needs understanding and protection.
On Thursday, May 25, representatives of CPC, CaspNIRKh and Volga-Caspian regional fishery department of Rosrybolovstvo will release you fish – about 3000 species of Fringebarbel sturgeon and sterlet weighing 100 to 600 g each in the Volga delta area of the Caspian Sea.
For reference:
CPC pipeline system is one of the largest investment projects in the energy industry with participation of foreign capital on the CIS territory. The length of the pipeline connecting the oil fields in Western Kazakhstan with the Marine Terminal near Novorossiysk is 1,511 km. CPC Marine Terminal is equipped with single point moorings which allow for safe tanker lifting at a considerable distance from the shore, also when the weather conditions are unfavorable.
The Expansion Project includes rehabilitation of 5 existing and construction of 10 additional pump stations (2 in the Republic of Kazakhstan and 8 in the Russian Federation), six new storage tanks (100,000 cu.m each) in addition to the existing four near Novorossiysk and a third SPM at the CPC Marine Terminal, and also the replacement of an 88 km pipeline section in Kazakhstan with a larger diameter pipe. The total amount of the Project investments will be US$ 5.4 billion.
CPC Shareholders: Russian Federation (represented by Transneft – 24% of and CPC Company – 7%) – 31%; Republic of Kazakhstan (represented by KazMunayGaz – 19% of and Kazakhstan Pipeline Ventures LLC – 1.75%) – 20.75%; Chevron Caspian Pipeline Consortium Company - 15%, LUKARCO B.V. – 12.5%, Mobil Caspian Pipeline Company – 7.5%, Rosneft-Shell Caspian Ventures Limited – 7.5%, BG Overseas Holding Limited - 2%, Eni International N.A. N.V. - 2% of and Oryx Caspian Pipeline LLC – 1.75%.