The issue begins with the New Year's greetings of Nikolay Gorban, CPC General Director, in which he highlighted the main achievements of the Consortium in 2017. Nikolay Tokarev, President of Transneft, also used the magazine to send his New Year congratulations tot eh CPC personnel.
"Events" section describes the success achieved by the Consortium in the Year of Ecology: CPC was included in the environmental responsibility rating of oil and gas companies and immediately took a high position therein. Environmental issues are further addressed in the article about the project titled "Save the nature of the native land" underway in Kalmykia and the interview with Mikhail Grishankov, Deputy General Director, RF Government Relations, in which he told the readers about the environmental projects implemented by CPC in Russia.
There are also reports about the start-up of A-PS-3A - the last Expansion Project site in Kazakhstan, as well as upgrade of Kropotkin PS in Russia. The Batumi oil terminal, which the CPC Shareholders visited, was looked at thought the history magnifying glass.
Special attention is given to the security issues from the perspective of the filed staff security and the security of the field operations in general.
The CPC charity projects gets a lot of coverage describing the Consortium’s outstanding contribution to the development of social sphere of the Regions, as well as the recepients of the aid and how their life was made better thanks to CPC.
As always, the magazine contains numerous journalistic essays about interesting people working in CPC and the materials of the employees themselves.
Enjoy the reading!
The CPC pipeline system is one of the largest investment projects with foreign capital in the energy sector in the CIS. The length of the pipeline connecting oil fields in Western Kazakhstan with the Marine Terminal in Novorossiysk is 1,511 km. CPC’s Marine Terminal is equipped with Single Point Moorings that allow to load tankers safely at a significant distance offshore, including bad weather conditions.
CPC Shareholders: Russian Federation (represented by Transneft – 24% and CPC Company – 7%) – 31%; Republic of Kazakhstan (represented by Kazmunaygaz – 19% and Kazakhstan Pipeline Ventures LLC – 1.75%) – 20.75%; Chevron Caspian Pipeline Consortium Company - 15%, LUKARCO B.V. - 12.5%, Mobil Caspian Pipeline Company – 7.5%, Rosneft-Shell Caspian Ventures Limited – 7.5%, BG Overseas Holding Limited - 2%, Eni International N.A. N.V. - 2% and Oryx Caspian Pipeline LLC – 1.75%.